Thandi Rhino Injection Fund

In honour of Thandi, the courageous rhino who survived poaching. In memory of Themba and the unnamed rhino who fought but didn’t make it. In recognition of what they are teaching us, in admiration of her fight against indescribable odds, in amazement of the amount of awareness she generates for her kind and out of respect for the example she is to us, I would like to make a very personal request to every single person who reads this. This request is not from Kariega Game Reserve, who have not held back on anything, this request is from me, Dr Will Fowlds so that future survivors of poaching can get the same level of dedication and increasingly advanced levels of care.
Please make a choice today to contribute to the care of SURVIVORS of rhino poaching, like Thandi, across our country. This request is small and this request is simple but multiplied, so much could be achieved . I am asking you to donate the equivalent of the average price of one injection, at least. On an average treatment day, Thandi will get twenty-two injections of medication at an average price of R 52-00 each. My request is for at least one injection of R 50-00.
Donations to the “THANDI RHINO” treatment initiative will be used for the specific treatment and care of survivors of poaching. Beyond the treatment requirements of Thandi, this fund will be audited by the Wilderness Foundation and brought under the professional administration of a committee of vets including Dr Fowlds.
NB!! It is essential that any donations include the reference “THANDI RHINO” (Translated this means LOVE RHINO)
Make another small step to help Save The Rhino. Give your “injection” and together we can make the difference.
Will Fowlds
Banking details of the Wilderness Foundation, South Africa:
Bank name: First National Bank
Name on Account:Wilderness Foundation
Branch code: 211417
Account number: 50750071629
Bank Address:
First National Bank, Walmer Park Branch
Shop 69
Walmer Park Shopping Centre
Main Road
Port Elizabeth
South Africa
Tel: +27 41 - 368 6132