Photo: Yellow Weaver Attacks Snake

This action photo of a yellow weaver bird attacking a boomslang snake was taken by talented and knowledgeable Kariega field guide Louis Fourie. The snake is trying to get into one of the nests to find an egg or young bird to eat for lunch. The male yellow weaver is attacking the boomslang to get it to move away.
Boomslang Snake and Yellow Weaver Bird Facts
The name boomslang is an Afrikaans and Dutch word meaning tree snake. These venomous snakes spend most of their time in trees and with their colouration, they can be very hard to see. Their camouflage helps when they are hunting as they can get very close to their prey without being noticed. Their diet includes chameleons, birds, frogs, lizards, other snakes and rodents. They swallow all of these whole. During cool weather boomslangs can hibernate, often curling up inside a weaver bird's nest.
Yellow weavers are fascinating birds. The males weave many different nests when trying to impress a female who is looking for a partner. It takes this little male about four days to weave one hanging nest using mostly grass and reeds. The female checks the position, building material and quality of the nest and also evaluates the male's mating display. The better the nest and display, the better the genetics might be!
If the female weaver doesn't like the nest, she will tear it apart and the male will have to start all over again. In the meantime, the female might accept another male as a partner so he needs to hurry up and build a better option! When the female weaver accepts the male, she brings her own bedding and simply moves in.
Yellow Weaver Nests Adapted For Safety
- Weavers often build their nests over water or hanging from a branch high above the ground.
- The birds take off all the leaves from the branch or reed so they can better see if a snake approaches.
- Most of the entrances to the nests are at the bottom to make it more difficult for a snake to enter.
- Yellow weavers breed in a colony of many different individuals. There are many birds to watch out for danger, raise the alarm and attack the predator together.
Please share your photos and videos on our Facebook page which will then be entered into the 2019 photographic and/or video competition.
Post Your Weaver or Snake Photograph and Win!
Did you see any yellow weaver birds or even a boomslang when on safari at Kariega Game Reserve? If you have any photos or videos please share them with us by posting them on our Kariega Game Reserve Facebook page. These photos and videos will be entered into our 2019 Facebook Photo and Video Competition. The prize is a two night stay for two at our newly revamped Ukhozi Lodge.
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