2018 Mandela Day Celebrations

On 18 July 2018 we celebrated what would have been the 100th birthday of Nelson Mandela. Mandela Day is celebrated on Madiba's birthday each year and provides the opportunity for each of us to make a positive difference in our communities, schools, workplaces or wherever we can.
What is Mandela Day?
Mandela Day was officially declared in 2009 by the United Nations. The day is set as an opportunity for individuals and communities to stand together and make a positive difference together. Nelson Mandela, who was the president of South Africa, fought for social justice for 67 years. Mandela Day was created to honour Nelson Mandela’s legacy and to fight poverty, promote peace, reconciliation and cultural diversity.
Mandela Day: Kariega Foundation and Kariega Volunteers Celebrate
For the 2018 Mandela Day the Kariega Foundation and the Kariega Conservation Volunteers created a fun day for the children of Sinethemba Special Needs School in the Marselle community near Kariega Game Reserve. The day was spent planting spekboom trees on the school grounds, playing soccer with the pupils and enjoying a cake and refreshments. As you will see in the video everyone had a blast and the memories will stay with us all forever.
2018 Mandela Day Fun for Everyone
After a fun-filled morning we headed to the nearby Ekuphumleni community. Nomawethu Ngangqu (Kariega Foundation Community Coordinator), Phumla Ngangqu (one of the Kariega Foundation Sports Coaches) and Joné Haesslich (Kariega Foundation Conservation Coordinator) visited some elderly members of the community and gave them a care package facilitated by the Kariega Foundation. The package included a bar of soap, body lotion, a wash cloth, toothbrush, toothpaste, a packet of tissues, a pair of socks, a fleece blanket, a pamphlet of Kariega's animals and a big piece of cake!
Many of the items in the care packages were donated by past guests who stayed at one of Kariega’s five safari lodges. Our thanks to everyone who has made donated items to our community initiatives. Your support is making a big difference to the lives of needy individuals in our communities.
If you would like to help with our community projects read: What to Pack to Help Local Communities and How to Pack for a Purpose.
You can see how happy the recipients of the hampers were. They were particularly delighted that the group had taken the time to come and visit them.The oldest person visited was an amazing 103 years old!
Please feel welcome to contact us by adding your comment below or on our Facebook page, via Instagram and Twitter. You can also email jone@kariega.co.za for more information.