Video: Close-up with Kariega Elephant

At Kariega Game Reserve, we pride ourselves on being able to take guests into the Eastern Cape wilderness for close-up encounters with big game animals such as elephant, lion, rhino, buffalo and much more.
In this video, Kariega guest Eamonn McGee captures one of these close-up moments with a elephant bull.
Elephant bulls are usually kicked out of the elephant matriarchy when they become adolescent and aggressive. From that time onwards they can be found roaming alone, and occasionally with another bull or two when they are younger. As they grow older they become more solitary and territorial. Young bulls are often inquisitive and playful, providing guests with great game viewing. Remember to stay calm and not to make any sudden movements!
We hope you enjoy the video. A big thanks to Eamonn McGee for sharing with us.
Guest video: Close-up with elephant at Kariega Game Reserve
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