Thandi update - November 2013

An update on Thandi the Rhino at Kariega Game Reserve South Africa
We were happy to receive this update from Thandi's keeper, and Kariega Game Reserve operations manager Jason Loest:
"She is doing fine and is calm and relaxed and although one never truly knows what an animal might be feeling I would have to say she looks quite content. She is displaying an almost inquisitive nature by approaching vehicles and having a closer look at them. It might also be that she just wants to make sure that the vehicle viewing her poses no threat but none the less she has definitely settled down a great deal and it is encouraging to see her take back her space and ownership of this little piece of Africa she calls home. Her face is showing some improvement and although the progress is slow it would appear that the wound is gradually closing in from the sides. Her doctors will be keeping a close eye on her progress and with their help and advice I am sure her face will heal. Hopefully to the point where it will be able to withstand the rigours of day to day rhino life without resulting in any repeated damage to the wound."