Rhino Thembi Almost Two Years Old

Rhino Thembi is 23 months old today. We are just one month away from her two-year milestone! Over the course of her second year of life we have been celebrating all the diverse people and organizations currently working in rhino conservation that attribute their inspiration to Thandi and Thembi’s incredible story.
Everyone Can Make a Positive Difference for Rhino Conservation
These stories have taught us that everyone can make a positive difference for rhino conservation. No matter how big or small the idea or how far or near the impact – every act of kindness and every conscious decision makes a difference.
So, this being the month of Christmas and the month of giving we thought we would use Thembi’s birthday as an opportunity to inspire everyone towards conscious choices this Christmas – the giving of gifts that spark a ripple effect and give back worthy organisations, or the slight altering of a decorative idea so that it is kinder to the environment.
Top 5 Conscious Christmas Choices
Here is a list of our top five conscious choices everyone can make this Christmas.
1. Gift a Spekboom Tree
The Spekboom is a wonder plant. While most tree’s help us clean up the environment by absorbing carbon from the air, this little succulent packs a powerful carbon-reducing punch. The Spekboom is 10 times more effective than tropical rain forest trees and 100 times more powerful than a pine tree of the same size when it comes to absorbing carbon. Every garden should have a few spekboom trees. They are also waterwise and easy to grow.
2. Plant a Potted Christmas Tree
Buy and plant a potted christmas tree this year. The garden nurseries can talk you through the options and then you will have a tree that will be yours to grow with your family over the years and over multiple Christmases.
3. Send Christmas E-Cards
Send Christmas E-cards rather than real cards which usually land up in the trash and use valuable resources to produce. E-Cards reduce your carbon footprint, save trees and save money.
4. Give a Conscious Gift
Conscious gifts are those gifts that create a ripple effect by donating profits generated by your purchase to worthy causes. Our favourite conscious gift this Christmas are Rhino Tears Jewellery. These are beautiful, tear drop pendants in gold or silver and 100% of the profits are donated to TESA (Thandi’s Endangered Species Association) who channels the funds into the Kariega Foundation Save the Rhino project.
5. Share the Love – Share the Food
Let’s face it, Christmas food left-overs can go on for days and ultimately land up in the bin. This year why not connect with your closest soup kitchen or homeless shelter and donate all your left-over food for someone else to enjoy. Good for the community and good for your waistline!
We hope Thembi will inspire you to make conscious choices this Christmas.
Thank you for being an awesome, Christmas, eco-warrior and Merry Christmas from the Kariega team.