Rhino Thandi & Themba DAY 7 - 17h00

Themba has moved a substantial distance over the past few days. Lance has confirmed that he is eating and drinking and he is passing normal feaces which are all positives signs. However, on a visual examination of him earlier today his leg is showing signs of possible deterioration and the way he is favouring it has not improved in the past 48 hours. The decision to change his anti-inflammatory to something more potent has now been taken. We run higher risks of damage to kidneys if they are already compromised. Given his ordeal this is quite likely and its the reason why we haven't gone for this option yet. With every treatment we have been giving him a sedative which in humans causes short term memory loss in the hope that he doesn't remember much of these experiences. This is speculation but I am willing to try anything to make his struggle less traumatic. I said yesterday that today was make or break for him. As far as the rest of his body is concerned, he appears to be going in the right direction. However, in two days time we will anaesthetise him and have to surgically examine his leg. If there is still hope, we will apply surgical drainage to his leg to limit the impact that the internal decaying tissue has on his body. If this process has already progressed beyond a certain point, we will have to take the unbearable decision of euthanasing him.
Your support and prayers for both rhino and this amazing Kariega team are so appreciated. You have no idea how lifting they are under such demanding circumstances. Thandi has not shown herself today but we know her location and are less concerned about her today.
Will Fowlds