Rhino Run 2018 Needs Your Support

The Rhino Run has been a valued donor to the Kariega Foundation’s Save The Rhino initiative and many other rhino conservation organisations. Over the past six years this event has made a significant contribution to our collective efforts to protect South Africa’s rhino.
The Rhino Run was started in 2012 in response to Thandi’s brutal poaching at Kariega Game Reserve. While Thandi survived, the tragedy claimed the lives of two other rhino. Against all odds Thandi has not only survived but thrived and has birthed two calves. She is an inspiration for us all to continue fighting for our rhino and not become complacent as our rhino are more at risk than ever.
Sian, founder of the Rhino Run, noticed a substantial drop off in support of the Rhino Run event last year and is concerned that we are becoming immune as a society to the horrors of poaching. The timing could not be worse as the Eastern Cape has seen a significant increase in rhino deaths due to poaching over the past three months.
Poaching Delivers Emotional Blow to Rhino Run Founder
Sian and the Rhino Run team where dealt a worse than usual emotional blow at the loss of Bella, a beautiful female rhino poached at the Kragga Kamma Game Reserve outside Port Elizabeth in June 2018. As part of the volunteer anti-poaching group that served to protect Bella, they were left reeling at the senselessness and brutality of her death, particularly as she had been dehorned six days prior and was poached for one centimetre of horn.
Bella has been survived by her 16 month calf, Tank. All efforts are being focused on his care and survival as he was not yet weaned. Rhino mothers suckle their calves for up to three years.
Support 2018 Rhino Run
So what can you do to unlock this complacency and to re-ignite your passion and raise your voice against rhino poaching? Simple. Dust off your shoes and take part in this years’ Rhino Run on 16 September 2018 . Run for Bella, run for Tank, run for Thandi, Thembi and Colin! Run for every rhino that is still alive, to keep them alive and run to honour every rhino that has died.
Find the event closest to you … and enter … NOW!
Win A Stay at Kariega’s Newly Re-built Ukhozi Lodge
One lucky runner will be rewarded for their efforts and win the spot prize of a two night stay for two at the newly re-built and re-furbished Ukhozi Lodge. A stay that is made infinitely more majestic and memorable through a sighting of any of our crash of rhino … which our children’s children may never see if we don’t act now.
Did you participate in last year’s rhino run? Tell us all about it on Facebook! Perhaps you will inspire someone to enter this year.