Prince Harry's Instagram Post of Thandi & Thembi

Prince Harry visited South Africa and spent some time in the Eastern Cape in December 2015 helping to fight the war against animal poachers. He even fitted in a visit to Kariega Game Reserve to specially to see our white rhino mother and daughter, Thandi and calf Thembi. He posted his picture on Instagram.
Prince Harry visited Kariega with Dr William Fowlds, the wildlife vet who worked tirelessly to save Thandi after her horns were hacked off by poachers in March 2012. After his visit he shared the following comments: "There is no pretending that any of this will be easy. It won't be. But when we win this battle and reverse the rise in poaching, the victory will belong first and foremost to those on the frontiers. There is proof that the battle can be won. A female rhino who had her horn hacked off by poachers in 2012. She now has a baby calf called Thembi."
He goes on to say: "Every single rhino matters." We totally agree!
Both white and black rhinos are endangered species. Black rhino numbers are estimated to be the most critical with an estimated population of only 5,000 animals. Find out more about the Kariega Foundation Save the Rhino Fund.
We were so pleased to have hosted Prince Harry at Kariega and hope to host him on the reserve again.
If you use Instagram we would love to connect with you. You will find Kariega Game Reserve at @Kariega.Game.Reserve.