Photo - Nyala antelope at Kariega Game Reserve

Big game antelope at Kariega Game Reserve in the Eastern Cape
This lovely close up of a male Nyala was taken by Miriam Melanie Köhler and uploaded onto our Facebook page - Thanks for sharing Miriam, great image!
Nyala is an indigenous antleope species, however during colonial times of excessive hunting and sheep farming in the area, the species could previously no longer be found here. As part of large scale conservation efforts to return the Eastern Cape into the wildlife haven it once was, Kariega Game Reserve as well as other game parks in the Eastern Cape have re-introduced this big game species to the local wilderness.
Nyala are a cautious species which often hide amoungst and feed on lush thickets (making Kariega and the Eastern Cape landscape perfect for them). Perhaps the most interesting fact about Nyala is that the male and female look completely different from one another. Here a male is featured - not only are they much larger, but also the greyish brown colour you can see here. Females on the other hand are a warm, light brown colour. Both male and female have the characteristic white stripes across the back.
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