October 2010 Newsletter

We have quite a few new births in the animal kingdom, some of which include elephant, zebra, giraffe and some reedbuck!
The long awaited black rhino has also arrived and has been seen by a lucky few.
Two more species of wild orchid were identified on the reserve, very exciting as these wild orchids can be dormant for years and conditions have to be just right before they flower. Appearing first is Satyrium membranaceum, and underneath, Satyrium parvifloru. Many people assume that all orchids have huge flowers - in the tropics that might be true but here the flowers have to survive the wind so they are usually quite small.
Now the guests will not agree with this one, but what lovely rain we’ve been having. It is so nice to drive around and see all the dams on the reserve nice and full, and the plants all green and flowering.
On the bird front, the African pygmy kingfishers are back and so are the Black cuckoos and the Lesser-striped swallow, but we are still waiting for the White storks, Steppe buzzards and the European rollers.
The trap cameras set up by the Conservation Volunteer Program have caught some interesting nightlife, but sadly no leopard yet.
Spotted Genet