Mthetho Turns One: Let's Celebrate - a Gift for Him & Unique Opportunity for You

On 3 April 2020 Mthetho, the third calf of poaching survivor and super-rhino mum Thandi, turns one!
Mthetho is a curious, free spirited one-year-old rhino calf growing up in blissful ignorance of the pain his mother suffered and endured after she was poached and the actions we have to take on a daily basis to keep him safe. This should never change.
However, as the devastating economic and physical consequences of COVID-19 unfold globally this little rhino finds himself under threat again. The travel bans implemented by the South African government from 18 March 2020 effectively cut off the Kariega Foundation's primary source of funding used to maintain an active and effective Anti-Poaching Unit (APU) and run environmental and education programmes critical for the protection and preservation of Mthetho and his species.
Thandi and Mthetho’s Protection a Top Priority
Kariega Game Reserve in partnership with the Kariega Foundation are resolute and unwavering in their commitment to protect their crash of rhino, including Thandi, Mthetho and Thandi’s two other calves Thembi and Colin.
“Our community-based approach to rhino conservation and protection focuses on key objectives that work collaboratively to motivate communities to actively engage in protecting our natural heritage and endangered species.
Our birthday wish for Mthetho is that he has long and peaceful life, goes on to sire many offspring and through him, the southern white rhino species will be preserved.”
Lindy Sutherland, Kariega Foundation Director.
Help us celebrate Mthetho's first birthday and make a wish come true by ensuring the continuation of the work of the Anti-Poaching Unit and rhino education programmes.
Rhino Conservation - a Team Effort - be Part of the Team
During the time after Thandi’s attack we learnt in the most tangible and humble way that rhino protection and conservation is a team sport. Many individuals and organisations stepped forward to support Thandi and the rhino population at Kariega Game Reserve.
We have two wonderfully rewarding ways in which you can help. Funds raised from these initiatives will help to ensure Mthetho’s safety, that of his mum Thandi, sister Thembi, brother Colin and all the other rhinos at Kariega Game Reserve. Funds are also used to operate the Kariega Foundation community environmental education programmes as well as other global projects supported by Helping Rhinos.
These are simply the best gifts you can give Mthetho on his first birthday.
You can adopt Mthetho in three easy steps on the Helping Rhinos website:
- Visit the Helping Rhinos Adoption Centre
- Select Adopt Mthetho
- Click on the Adopt Mthetho tab and choose your package
- Follow the online check out process to register and pay online.
You can make a tax-deductible donation of any size directly to the Kariega Foundation in either of the following ways:
- Donate via EFT (for international currencies) via our secure online payment system. Visit our Save the Rhino page and click on the DONATE NOW button.
- Transfer a donation into the following bank account:
First National Bank
Account No: 62275606526
Branch: Newton Park
Branch code: 261050
We would be so grateful to you for joining this movement to ensure a sustainable future for our rhinos. We all need to play our part, from the heart and be the solution.
For further information please email us on and connect with us on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. We also encourage you to subscribe to our blog so that you can receive updates via email.
Read more about the success of our community approach to rhino protection.
Images thanks to: guests Richard Scott and Jenna Marcante. Kariega guide Brett and Simon Jones from Helping Rhinos.