Kariega Foundation and Volunteers Uplift Community

Kariega Game Reserve is the largest employer in the Kenton-on-Sea area. As such, a primary objective of The Kariega Foundation is to uplift, support and contribute to the wellbeing of the local community.
In order to reach this objective The Kariega Foundation collaborates with the Kariega Volunteer Programme on a number of community outreach projects, one of which is assisting the Kenton child welfare at the Ekuphumleni soup kitchen.
Kariega Volunteers Help Child Welfare Soup Kitchen
Every Wednesday afternoon the volunteers help cook for 25-55 children. They play interactive and educational games, assist with homework if necessary and then end the afternoon by cleaning dishes once the children have eaten. The children who come to the soup kitchen come from poor families and often do not have parents at home to help with homework, food, or just offer company. This makes the volunteer assistance at child welfare very important for supporting and uplifting the children.
Both the volunteers and the children have thrived from of this outreach project and it has proved to be a very rewarding initiative for The Kariega Foundation. All donations to support this project are welcome. Please contact murray@kariega.co.za for more information. Thank you.